Solar power is a form of energy that utilizes the sun in order to power houses and other necessities that are part of our daily lives. The New York Times Article I used called "Private Dollars Revive a Solar Panel Plan For Military Housing." This article was about a California company called SolarCity. SolarCity wants to install solar panels in over 100,000 military housing units over the next five years. The residents of the military housing unit would pay SolarCity for electricity, and any power left over would go to the military base. In order for this to work, SolarCity had to receive a loan of 350 million dollars from Bank of America. By Bank of America doing this, the company was guaranteed a federal loan, which they had not had before. According to Jonathan Plowe the managing director of the bank, this is a solid investment because "Photovoltaic technology is proven, the diversity of installation sites reduces the risk of a failure everywhere at one time, the electricity is relatively easy to transmit, construction time is short and there are few negative environmental consequences."
Link to the article
Good summary, and it's interesting to learn about the various government incentives behind these big energy investments.